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Hummingbird printed t-shirt
  • Hummingbird printed t-shirt

Hummingbird printed t-shirt

$19.12 Save 20%

Regular fit, round neckline, short sleeves. Made of extra long staple pima cotton.


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Symbol of lightness and delicacy, the hummingbird evokes curiosity and joy. Studio Design' PolyFaune collection features classic products with colorful patterns, inspired by the traditional japanese origamis. To wear with a chino or jeans. The sublimation textile printing process provides an exceptional color rendering and a color, guaranteed overtime.

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Based on 3 reviews - 0 1 2 3 4 3,67/5
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Sed ut consequat velit. In fringilla orci id odio maximus

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Sed ut consequat velit. In fringilla orci id odio maximus, eu gravida turpis venenatis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Pellentesque dolor nibh, egestas id diam ac, pretium ultricies nisl. Suspendisse congue quam nunc, luctus sagittis nisl suscipit mollis.

0 1 2 3 4

Donec sit amet urna ultricies, viverra nibh vel, gravida urna

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Donec sit amet urna ultricies, viverra nibh vel, gravida urna. Maecenas consectetur fermentum consequat. Fusce tempor purus nec nisi viverra, sit amet vestibulum dolor aliquet. Suspendisse varius ullamcorper molestie. Curabitur vel eros eget justo posuere euismod. Donec a magna et felis fermentum suscipit sit amet vel diam

0 1 2 3 4

Morbi sed tincidunt neque

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Nunc at mattis mi. Nulla ipsum eros, congue at velit vitae, hendrerit molestie erat. Phasellus viverra lacinia felis, eget varius ipsum suscipit sed. Nam nibh ex, finibus eget dolor sagittis, scelerisque convallis odio. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed eu neque et justo venenatis tincidunt at quis diam. Vestibulum non pellentesque tellus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

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